Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A day for paddling

First, I must say I wish I was in a better area to take these photos. My 75-300mm lens wasn't the best for getting in on these paddlers. Or any of the others I have pictured, unfortunately. But, I was covering the event and my shop had a photag there, so I was just cracking off a couple shots in case I got lucky. I did get some solid headshots later on though!

Anyway, these are photos from the General Clinton Canoe Regatta. It's billed as the longest flatwater race in the world (one day). It covers 70 miles down the Susquehanna River and the two-man pro class usually ends in around 7 hours, 30 minutes. The record is like 6:30, but that's extremly rare.

The top photo is a group of canoes in different classes. The middle shot is of the winners of the C-2 Pro Class. The bottom is of two canoes in another class. I kept the bottom two a little wide from top to bottom because I liked the reflections of the paddlers in the water.

Tech specs (all with 75-300mm lens): All at iso 200, 1/1,600th, f5.6.

Click to enlarge photos!

Monday, May 29, 2006

The sprint

Normally, I'm not a fan of sprint photos or straight running photos. There never seems to be enough action to hold the eye of a reader if it's in a newspaper. I'm also not convinced that this one would have been a good choice to put in the newspaper. The runners are too spaced out and it might not be the "money" action shot. Although I think it could be used in the paper if needed, I just wouldn't think it would be a first or second choice.

But, I'm a big fan of the photo itself.

The reason I like it isn't so much the action (although if you look at the bodies, you can see the physical force they are using for this race, which was the 100-meter dash), but rather the facial expressions of each runner. The one in the middle ended up winning the race, but the looks on each runner is awesome, I think anyway.

Tech specs (75-300mm lens, fully extended): iso 800, 1/1000th second, f5.6.

(As always, click photos to see a larger version!)

Sunday, May 28, 2006


This was taken in mid-May at one of the local league track championships. The girl in the lead is an all-world runner in several events and is going to JMU next year on a scholarship. She's amazing to watch.

I liked how this photo came out because it was in a pouring rain (and I was trying to balance my camera on a monopod and an umbrella as well) and you can see the rain. You can also see how it seems so effortless for her to run away from the pack. The two nearest to her (the one from Delhi and the other Sidney runner) are both underclassmen and are excellent runners as well. They should be the two to beat once the lead runner here graduates.

This photo probably would have had a shot getting in the paper, however I took a couple others of high jumping that were better. I'll put those up here eventually, too.

Tech specs (75-300mm lens): iso 800 (I'm shocked this came out well as I haven't had luck shooting 800 with this camera), lens extended to 300mm, 1/400th second, f5.6.

Friday, May 26, 2006


During our tour of Citizen's Bank Park in early May, Marc decided to get up close and personal with the Richie Ashburn statue. However, apparently the powers of the Baseball Gods gave Richie some power and he threw a headlock on Marc! Look out!

Tech specs (18-55mm lens): iso 200, 1/2000th, f3.5.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ring the bell!

This is a shot of the Liberty Bell out in center field in Philly's Citizen Bank Ballpark. Usually rings, I believe, for homers and victories. However, it seems like it wasn't working the night we were there as it didn't ring for Chase Utley's homer or after the game, which they won. Either way, it's still pretty cool. And it's huge.

Tech specs (75-300mm lens): iso 400, 1/15th second (handheld), f5.6.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Headlock the dragon

Back at the OHFest, this would be the newest addition to our softball team. Not the guy in red, the other one. Anyway, he felt the need to try and headlock O-State's Red Dragon. The job was not too successful, however. Nice try, Matt. The Dragon is a bad-ass.

Tech specs: 18-55mm lens, iso 100, 1/640, f4.5. It was a little dark, so I needed to lighten in Photoshop. I would have fixed things on the spot, but the Dragon wasn't too cooperative on the headlock!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The next Phanatic?

This is Grump, the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons mascot. Although not quite as exciting or fun as the Phillie Phanatic, he did the job. However, he didn't really interact much, basically walking around, walking on the dugouts and signing autographs for kids. Either way, he's a big fluffy green dork-like mascot!

Tech specs (75-300 mm lens): iso 200, 1/1,600th second, f4.5.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The City of Brotherly Love

Ahhh, the City of Brotherly Love. In center city Philly, they have the Love statue. Thought it was kind of a cool photo. Even though I could seem to get the fountain in the back to look that great. Probably because it shoots out way too much water. A good fountain doesn't shoot out like a geyser.

I'm just shocked nobody was sitting around the fountain and booing at it.

Tech specs (both shot with my 18-55mm lens):
Top: iso 200, 1/1,000th second, f5.6
Bottom: iso 200, 1/640, f5.0.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I said left, no right!

Which way should we go?

This photo was taken in center city in Philly. I have no clue what this area is, but there's a park-type place that has all sorts of board game pieces. Such as things from Monopoly, Sorry, chess pieces, dominoes etc. It's pretty neat.

This was the Monopoly wheelbarrow. These two (Marc inside, Dave "pushing") couldn't seem to figure which way to go! I'll likely have a couple more shots from this park thing at some other point down the line.

Tech specs: f200, 1/640 second, f5.6. Taken with my 18-55mm lens.

(Click for larger photo)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The pens

This is from above the double-tier bullpens at Citizen's Bank Park in Philly. I got this during the tour of the park we took. I can't imagine being someone like, say, Billy Wagner in the top pen as a full crowd is looking down on him and giving him as much hell as possible. Good times!

Tech specs: iso 200, 1/1,600th second, f 3.5. Taken with my 18-55 mm lens.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Great job

How fun does this look?

So basically this dude site with this poster board thing all day to earn some coin. That doesn't seem like fun to me. I noticed he had a book and a portable CD player that he was using. Doesn't matter, you couldn't get me to do this. I liked the photo because it was a bit of street photography, which is something I'm looking to get into a bit more. Fun times.

Tech specs (75-300 mm lens): iso 200, 1/400th second, f6.3.

(click to enlarge)

Sorry for no photo on Sunday, but I spent Mother's Day playing some golf with the family, then went to watch the niece play soccer, then work. I'll get back to the daily though!

Saturday, May 13, 2006


When we took the tour at Citizen's Bank Park, we were heading to the field. And what do we see? Aaron Rowand (pre-nose bashed) and Sal Fasano out on the field racing remote control cars. These cars, however, aren't your normal $30 ones. These were pricy and top of the line. They had 'em speeding all over the field. It was pretty funny. I threw on the zoom so I could get some decent shots. The top one is of Rowand with the remote. The bottom is Sal making some repairs.

Tech specs (both with 70-300 mm lens):
Top photo: iso 200, 1/1,250 second, f5.0
Bottom photo: iso 200, 1/1,250 second, f4.5

(as always click on photo for bigger version)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Geno's Steaks!

Ahhh, the finest steak house in all of Philly. At least I think so. Yes, I'm biased because a relative owns the joint. But it's still fantastic. We went down before the game and had a steak. The two with me got to see the inside and were impressed -- or so it seemed. They did walk out with a t-shirt.

The top photo is from the front, in the middle of what I think is 9th and Passyunk. My back is to Pat's, which is how it should be. You can see the difference between the two and the cleanliness difference. Pat's is a bit of a dump. Geno's isn't. But both had decent crowds. Better meat and cleaner conditions at Geno's.

And remember, it's "wit" or "witout."

Tech specks (all shot with my 18-55mm lens).
Top: iso 200, 1/80, f13.
Middle: iso 200, 1/500, f7.1
Bottom: iso 200, 1/80, f10.

(As always click on a photo for a bigger version!)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

What's in those lollipops?

This was too priceless NOT to take a photo of. Center City Philly, this van was there. I would like to know what the hell is in those lollipops though. Better yet, maybe I wouldn't want to know what is in 'em!

Tech specs: 18-55mm lens, iso200, 1/800th second, f3.5.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

And their off!

My weekend trip to Pennsylvania also included my first trip to the track. Sunday afternoon, after watching Cole Hamels pitch, we went to Pocono Downs in Wilkes-Barre and caught four or five races. I actually won on the final race we watched and walked away $6 ahead. Anyway, I've put three photos up. I don't remember which race, which horse, how they did or anything like that.

Basically, I wanted to just shoot the races and see what it was like taking these photos. I did it in two spots -- twice over a fence and once near the finish line and an opening. The harness racing was cool, so I tried to capture everything I could. I've put three of my favorites up. I took a lot more and they will eventually be up on my photo site.

Tech specs (all shot with my Canon 75-300mm lens):
Top photo: iso200, 1/1600 second, f5.6.
Middle photo: iso200, 1/1600 second, f5.6.
Bottom photo: iso200, 1/1600 second, f5.6.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Which card?

Walking around center city in Philadelphia on Saturday, I came across one of those card shuffler guys. People were tossing down money to play the game and all. Anyway, I popped off a couple of shots. I got a look from the one guy in the background there and figured I probably wasn't wanted taking shots, so I bolted. There was a pretty decent crowd around him for this little play though. I don't know how the hell the game works or what he does, but he was moving cards quickly. I imagine it's a "find the card" game.

I like the photo because it shows some of the interesting parts of the city. Of any city for that matter. It also shows some of the seedier sides of a city as I'm sure these boys don't go paying taxes on their earnings!

Photo specs (shot with 18-55mm lens): iso200, 1/800th second, f5.6. I needed to lighten it up on photoshop because it was too dark, but I couldn't really sit there and look for the "right lighting" because of the looks I got. I figured it was best to leave.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cole Hamels!

If you didn't think there would be a Cole Hamels photo today, you are nuts. Also, if you thought I'd only put up one, you are again nuts.

First, let me say this. Great baseball weekend. Phils on Saturday, Red Barons and Hamels on Sunday. The seats were great in both places, but especially for the Red Barons game. A friend of mine, Marc, ordered the tickets last week with the requirements of being as close as possible on the first-base line and an aisle seat. After getting the seats, we are six rows off the field, directly behind the dugout. However, the Barons sit on the third-base side as their home dugout. But, Hamels is a lefty, so whamo.

Awesome seats. Great spot to sit, even though the Barons didn't tell us where we'd be sitting!

I'll discuss the weekend itself more on my website blog later in the week. As for the photos, I was pretty happy with being able to shoot Hamels so close. If his stuff stays as good as it is, he'll be pitching with the big team this summer I would think. And if he can stay healthy.

As for the photos -- all are obviously him pitching. The reason he has a pink T-shirt on is because the Barons all wore pink t-shirt uniforms for Mother's Day and breast cancer awareness. A pretty cool gesture, I thought. At least they weren't wearing the pink hats they gave away to women Sunday!

Tech specs on the photos (all shot with my Canon 75-300 lens):
Top: 1/1600 second, iso 200, f5.6
Middle: 1/1600 second, iso 200, f5.6
Bottom: 1/2500 second, iso 200, f5.6

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Our view

Considering the trip started and ended at Citizen's Bank Park on Saturday, I figured I'd throw out the view from our seats. We were in the 322 section and five rows up. Had an aisle seat, too, which is always nice. It was a good seat to watch a game from and this is the look of the field while San Fran was taking batting practice.

I liked this photo as a leadoff for the several that will be here from this trip because it gives people the idea of where a lot of the photos will have come from.

Tech specs: iso 200, 1/200th second, f7.1, 18-55 mm lens.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


This is a small family cemetery around Hamden. It sits on the right side of Route 28 if you are heading into Delhi. There are probably no more than 20 headstones in the whole place and it's kind of hard to access from the road (parking anyway).

I liked it because for some reason I've always been facinated with cemeteries -- especially older ones. I don't know if it's the headstone or just because of the eternal feel of the place. It also creates somewhat cool photos. I'm going to eventually get into shooting a couple more of the other cemeteries in the area because there's some interesting monuments and headstones. I know one of the people with the cemetery association around here and she's offered to show me how to photo the monuments.

I don't have the techs because I'm on my laptop. But I used my 18-55 lens and I think I shot at iso200.

Friday, May 05, 2006


OH-Fest last weekend had this interesting game. It was somewhat of a "dunking" type game, without the dunking booth. Same concept though. You threw a ball at the target and if you hit it, the water balloon would drop from above and soak the person. I'll likely put another version of this photo (different angle, person) down the line, but I really liked this one.

I liked how it somewhat froze the water as it came down on the girl and also add the reaction and facial look on the girl, it was pretty cool. Thankfully for her, it was a nice day out. I'm also adding a second one at the bottom -- one where she actually knew it was coming and was diving out of the way. I liked both, but didn't want to repeat the same person down the line.

Anyway, for the tech info: Both shot at iso 100, 1/320 (turned out a little dark, I had to tool with them in photoshop), f5.6. Both with my canon 18-55 mm lens.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Old time truckin'

Interesting photo, this one. It's outside of Hamden, right near the DeLancey turn. I zoomed by it the other day when I was taking photos, saw it, and thought it would make for an interesting photo. However, on my way back through, I forgot about it. I got a mile or so down the road and decided I couldn't pass it up, so back I went.

I like it because it feels like a turn back in time. Like an old gas station/shop with someone waiting to get filled up. The white/green combo is kind of cool. However, to give it an old-time feel, I thought black and white might look cooler. I did that in photoshop and that photo is below this write up. Everyone else can be the judge of that.

Shot at iso 200, 1/500th second, f5.6. I used my 18-55, although I wish I had either got closer, or used my bigger lens.

(Click on photos for bigger versions)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Can smash

Welcome back to OH-Fest this past weekend. This was one of the games you could play when they had Main Street. My goal was to shoot this as a friend of mine threw the bean bag at the cans to see what I could get. So as the bean bag was thrown I just kept shooting hoping to land a decent one.

I liked this one because a couple of the cans were still in mid-air as well as the beanbag. Thought it was an interesting and different photo. Somethimes, I think, with these kind of festivals, you need to find some different types of things to shoot. I just would have liked to have frozen the action a little more, especially with the can on the left.

Shot it with my 18-55 mm lens, 1/320 second, f5.6 (iso 100). Click on the photo to see a larger version.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Paint job needed

When I was out and about last week, I ran across this bus turn sign. It's at the top of Franklin Mountain on Route 28 -- just outside of Oneonta. Anyway, it sits in a spot where it's somewhat covered by trees and nature probably has -- obviously -- taken its toll on the sign.

I liked the photo because I thought it showed this area quite well. Rural, not so worried about cosmetic items etc. However, the sign still does it's job. Probably wouldn't be a bad thing to replace this eventually as the letters are starting to come off and leave as well. It has a rustic and interesting look. The look of the sign is also pretty cool, just older looking.

I might have to turn this shot into a black and white photo though. I have a feeling it might really have a good impact if it's in black and white. I just wonder if the lack of the color the sign has from wear would come across if it was black and white.

Technical info: Shot at 200iso, f5.6, 1/250 second. Lens used was my 18-55 mm.

(Click on photo for bigger version!)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sumo reaction

We went to the OH-Fest in Oneonta on Saturday after softball practice. Well, four from the team anyway. Two of them -- Brendan and Matt -- opted to spar off in the sumo outfits and go at it with a match.

I have no clue who won. If anyone actually did.

However, snapping photos of both of them before, during and after the match, I got the this one (top). The main reason I like it is because it somewhat shows emotion -- even though it was a joking match and for fun. It's the type of look, I think anyway, some photographers hope to get after a team or someone loses in a championship.

Now, in all honesty, neither of them were upset or mad. In fact, there was a lot of laughing. But, for this one second, the look on Matt's face was priceless in that he looked like he just lost the Sumo World Championship to a snake! In all honesty, if I had to guess, I would think the look came from having to wear that suit and hat!

I also figured I should put an "action" shot from this "match." I've added that below this write up. Both photos were taken with my 18-55 mm lens. I didn't have much time to change any settings because the match didn't last long. At least the people in charge didn't let them go long. The top photo was at 1/640, f5.6. The bottom was 1/640, f7.1.

(As always, click on a photo to see a larger version!)