Friday, May 05, 2006


OH-Fest last weekend had this interesting game. It was somewhat of a "dunking" type game, without the dunking booth. Same concept though. You threw a ball at the target and if you hit it, the water balloon would drop from above and soak the person. I'll likely put another version of this photo (different angle, person) down the line, but I really liked this one.

I liked how it somewhat froze the water as it came down on the girl and also add the reaction and facial look on the girl, it was pretty cool. Thankfully for her, it was a nice day out. I'm also adding a second one at the bottom -- one where she actually knew it was coming and was diving out of the way. I liked both, but didn't want to repeat the same person down the line.

Anyway, for the tech info: Both shot at iso 100, 1/320 (turned out a little dark, I had to tool with them in photoshop), f5.6. Both with my canon 18-55 mm lens.


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